Request and Response - Structure and Elements

This section provides an overview of the basic structure and elements of a request/response to our REST API services.

Learn about:

HTTP Method

HTTP method is a critical component of a request to our REST API service as it determines the type of action being requested.

HTTP Method Description


Deletes the referenced object (e.g., edge CNAME or customer origin).


Retrieves information about the referenced object.


Creates a new object.


Updates the properties associated with an existing object.

Our REST API service may return a 405 Method Not Allowed response for requests submitted with an unsupported HTTP method.

Request URL

The format for a REST API request varies according to whether you are submitting requests to or our API gateway (

The URL for a request to a REST API service follows the basic pattern defined below:

Sample request:

Sample request with parameters:

API Gateway

Requests to services that leverage our API gateway follow this basic pattern:

Sample request:

Request Headers

Request headers provide information about your request to a REST API service. This information allows our server to authenticate your request and provides information that allows it to receive and translate the request body.

The use of a Byte Order Mark (BOM) in a request to the REST API is not supported. Some user agents are configured to automatically include a BOM. Please either configure the user agent to exclude the BOM or use a different user agent.

Request header values are case-insensitive.

Request Header Description


Authorization varies according to whether you are submitting requests to or our API gateway (

Set this header to your REST API token using the following format:

TOK: Token

Sample value:


API Gateway (

Set this header to your access token using the following format:

Bearer Access Token

Sample value:


This header should indicate the format in which the response will be returned.

The recommended value for this request header is:



This header should indicate the format of the request body.

The recommended value for this request header is:


You may omit this header when an endpoint does not have request parameters.


This header, which is set by the user agent, indicates the host name corresponding to the requested endpoint.

API Gateway (


This header, which is set by the user agent, indicates the number of bytes contained in the request body.

Request Body

PUT and POST requests typically require request body parameters that describe the action that will take place. These request body parameters are case-sensitive.

Response Headers

Response headers provide information about the response to your request to the REST API service. A brief description is provided for the response headers that are returned by most endpoints. Standard HTTP response headers are typically returned along with these common response headers.

Response Header Description


Indicates the cache-control policy for the response body.


Indicates the number of bytes in the response body.


Indicates the format of the response body. This header will report one of the following values:

  • JSON: application/json; charset=utf-8
  • XML: application/xml

Ec-Response-Id Only

Indicates the system-defined ID assigned to the response.


This header is reserved for internal use.

X-Frame-Options Only

Indicates that the page may only be displayed in a frame on the same origin as the parent page.


Identifies the date and time (UTC) at which your request was processed.

In addition to the above headers, the response for Real-Time Log Delivery endpoints will also include the following response header:

Response Header Description


Indicates the cache-control policy for the response body.

The Cache-Control header takes precedence over this header.

In addition to the above headers, the response for requests to our API gateway may also include the following headers:

x-amz-apigw-id | x-amzn-Remapped-Date | x-amzn-Remapped-Server | x-amzn-RequestId | X-AspNet-Version | X-Location

The above headers are reserved for future use.