Rules Engine (Version 4)

The following endpoints automate the configuration and deployment of Rules Engine policies.


Authentication Method


Add Policy

OAuth 2.0

Creates a policy.

Cancel Deploy Request

OAuth 2.0

Cancels a deploy request.

Delete Rule

OAuth 2.0

Deletes a rule from a policy.

Get All Policies

OAuth 2.0

Returns all policies.

Get Deploy Request

OAuth 2.0

Returns a deploy request.

Get Deploy Request Status


Returns the propagation status for a deploy request to the production environment.

Get Deploy Requests

OAuth 2.0

Returns the latest deploy requests for your account.

Get Policy

OAuth 2.0

Returns a policy including all of its rules.

Get Rules by Customer Origin

OAuth 2.0

Returns a list of active rules associated with the specified customer origin.

Get Rules by Edge CNAME

OAuth 2.0

Returns a list of active rules associated with the specified edge CNAME.

Submit Deploy Request

OAuth 2.0

Submits a deploy request.

Update Policy

OAuth 2.0

Updates a policy.

Setting Up Rules Engine

Set up Rules Engine by performing the following steps:

  1. Create a policy via the Add Policy endpoint.

    If you would like to create a policy based off a previously created policy, then perform the following steps:

    1. Retrieve the desired policy via the Get Policy endpoint.
    2. Make the desired changes to it.

      Please make sure to only include properties supported by the Add Policy endpoint.

    3. Pass this modified configuration to the Add Policy endpoint.
  2. Optional. Use the Submit Deploy Request endpoint to create a deploy request to the staging environment for the policy created in the previous step.
  3. Optional. Verify that your deploy request has been completed via the Get Deploy Request Status endpoint. After which, verify that the desired behavior occurs in the staging environment.
  4. Use the Submit Deploy Request endpoint to create a deploy request to the production environment for the policy created in step 2.
  5. Verify that your deploy request has been completed via the Get Deploy Request Status endpoint.
  6. Verify that the desired behavior has been applied to your production traffic.