WAF Insights does not support automation via our REST API web service. If you are currently using WAF Insights, upgrade your WAF solution to take advantage of our REST API.
Generates paginated event log data. This data can be filtered by:
Retrieve event log data for up to the last 30 days.
A request for event log entries may return information on thousands of requests. Due to the amount of time that it would take to transmit this data, the response for this endpoint has been split up into pages. Retrieve all events that match the specified criteria by requesting each page. Use the page_of response parameter in your script to cycle through each page.
This endpoint only supports JSON.
A request to retrieve event log data is described below.
HTTP Method | Request URI |
https://api.edgecast.com/v2/mcc/customers/AccountNumber/waf/eventlogs?start_time=StartDateTime&end_time=EndDateTime&filters=Filters&page=PageNumber&page_size=ItemsPerPage |
Define the following terms when submitting the above request:
VariableA variable represents a value that must be replaced. A variable consists of either a URL segment (e.g., "0001" in /0001/) or a query string value (e.g., "3" in mediaTypes=3). | Description |
Required |
Replace this variable with the start date/time for the report. Only activity that took place after the specified date/time will be included in the report. Format:YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss Key information:
For more information on date/time format, please refer to Report Date/Time Format. Event log data may only be retrieved for the last 30 days. Specifying an older date will return a 400 Bad Request. |
Replace this variable with the end date/time for the report. Activity that took place after the specified date/time will not be included in the report. Format:YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss Key information:
For more information on date/time format, please refer to Report Date/Time Format. |
Replace this variable with the desired filter(s). Key information:
View example.
This example will demonstrate the proper syntax for defining the following filters:
The corresponding JSON for the above filters is: { "Host" : "www.example.com", "Profile Name" : "My Profile" } After URL-encoding reserved characters and removing unnecessary space characters, the above JSON should look similar to the following: %7B%22Host%22%3A%22www.example.com%22%2C%22Profile%20Name%22%3A%22My%20Profile%22%7D Sample request: https://api.edgecast.com/v2/mcc/customers/0001/waf/eventlogs/fields?start_time=2014-10-20&end_time=2014-10-21&filters=%7B%22Host%22%3A%22www.example.com%22%2C%22Profile%20Name%22%3A%22My%20Profile%22%7D
Filters & 500 Internal Server Error Response
Specifying invalid filter syntax may generate a 500 Internal Server Error. Sample syntax issues are listed below:
Syntax (Requires URL-Encoding): {"Host":["www.example.com","secure.example.com"]} Valid Syntax (URL-Encoded): %7B%22Host%22%3A%5B%22www.example.com%22%2C%22secure.example.com%22%5D%7D Invalid Syntax: {"Host":"www.example.com","secure.example.com"} |
Replace this variable with the page number that will be returned. The response will only include log events corresponding to that page in the response. Omitting the page query string parameter in the request will return the first page. |
Replace this variable with the number of log events that may be included on each page. The number of items per page determines the number of pages that may be returned. Omitting the page_size query string parameter in the request will return a maximum of 100 log events per page. The maximum value for this variable is 1000. |
This endpointIdentifies a request's connection point to our REST API service. only takes advantage of common request headers.
Request body parameters are not required by this endpoint.
The response to the above request includes an HTTP status code, response headers, and a response body.
This endpoint only supports JSON.
A status code indicates whether the request was successfully performed.
The response for this endpoint only includes standard HTTP response headers.
The response body for a successful request reports:
This endpoint only returns event fields (e.g., Epoch Time or Matched On) that contain data. Therefore, the set of event fields returned by this endpoint may vary by event.
Name | Data Type | Description |
Array Objects |
Contains a list of fields for each event reported on this page. Only fields that contain data for the event being reported will be included in the response. This means that the set of fields reported for each event may vary. |
page |
Integer |
Indicates the number of the page that was returned. |
page_of |
Integer |
Indicates the total number of pages required to return the event log data that matches the criteria defined in the request. The total number of pages is determined as indicated below. (# of Eligible Log Events) / (ItemsPerPage)
The result of the above formula is rounded up to the nearest whole integer. |
time_from |
Number floating-point |
Indicates the report's start date/time, in seconds, using Unix time. Sample value: 1473638400.0
time_to |
Number floating-point |
Indicates the report's end date/time, in seconds, using Unix time. Sample value: 1473638400.0
The events array contains an object for each event reported on this page. The members of this object are described below.
Name | Data Type | Description |
Acl ID |
String |
Reserved for future use. |
Acl Name |
String |
Reserved for future use. |
Action Type |
String |
Indicates the action that was triggered as a result of the violation. Valid values are:
Bots ID |
String |
Reserved for future use. |
Bots Name |
String |
Reserved for future use. |
City Name |
String |
Identifies the city from which the request originated. |
Client IP |
String |
Identifies the IP address of the client from which the violation originated. |
Country Code |
String |
Identifies the country from which the request originated by its country code. |
Country Name |
String |
Identifies the country from which the request originated. |
Epoch Time |
Number floating-point |
Indicates the Unix time, in seconds, at which the violation took place. Syntax: Seconds.Microseconds
Sample value: 1473207640.345809
Event ID |
String |
Indicates the unique ID assigned to the event. Pass this ID to the Get Event Log Entry endpoint to retrieve this event log entry. |
Host |
String |
Indicates the hostname that was requested. |
id |
String |
Indicates the hash value for the event's ID. |
Instance Name |
String |
Indicates the name of the instance that activated the profile containing the rule that the requested violated. |
Deprecated |
String |
This parameter has been deprecated. Signature Detection Mode Only Indicates the client-side data that triggered the violation. |
Deprecated |
String |
This parameter has been deprecated. This information may be found within the Sub Events object. Signature Detection Mode Only Indicates the variable that identifies where the violation was found. |
Deprecated |
String |
This parameter has been deprecated. This information may be found within the Sub Events object. Signature Detection Mode Only Indicates the value of the variable defined in the Matched On parameter. |
Profile Name |
String |
Indicates the name of the profile that triggered the violation. |
Profile Type |
String |
Indicates whether the request was screened as a result of an instance’s production or audit profile. Valid values are: PRODUCTION | AUDIT
Referer |
String |
Indicates the request’s referrer as defined by the Referer request header. |
Referrer Deprecated |
String |
This parameter has been replaced by the Referer parameter and is no longer included in the response. Indicates the request’s referrer as defined by the Referer request header. |
Rule ID Deprecated |
Integer |
This parameter has been deprecated. The ID for each rule that was violated is reported under the Sub Events parameter. |
String |
Provides the following basic information about the anomaly score violation(s). Inbound Anomaly Score Exceeded (Total Score: #Represents the total anomaly score for the logged request., SQLi=#Represents the SQL injection attack score for the logged request., XSS=#Represents the cross-site scripting attack score for the logged request.): Last Matched Message: RuleIDRepresents the ID of the last rule that was violated by the request in question.-RuleMessageRepresents the message of the last rule that was violated by the request in question.
Rule Policy |
String |
Indicates the name of the policy that was violated. |
Deprecated |
Integer |
This parameter has been deprecated. This information may be found within the Sub Events object. Signature Detection Mode Only Indicates the severity of the violation. This value may range from -1 to 6 where 6 represents the lowest severity level. |
Rule Tags |
String |
Indicates the tags associated with the rule that the request violated. These tags may be used to determine whether a rule, access control, or global setting was violated. |
Rules Config ID |
String |
Reserved for future use. |
Rules Config Name |
String |
Reserved for future use. |
Scope ID |
String |
Reserved for future use. |
Scope Name |
String |
Reserved for future use. |
Sub Event Count |
Integer |
Indicates the total number of sub events reported for the current event log entry. |
Array Objects |
Contains a list of fields that describe each sub event associated with the current event. A sub event is reported for each rule violation incurred by a request. |
Timestamp |
String |
Indicates the date and time (UTC) at which the violation took place. Format:YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.ffffffZ |
String |
Indicates the URL that was requested. |
User Agent |
String |
Indicates the user agent that submitted the request that triggered the rule violation. |
The Sub Events array contains an object that describe each sub event associated with the current event. A sub event is reported for each rule violation incurred by a request.
Name | Data Type | Description |
Matched Data |
String |
This parameter has been deprecated. Indicates the client-side data that triggered the violation. |
Matched On |
String |
Indicates the variable that identifies where the violation was found. |
Matched Value |
String |
Indicates the value of the variable defined in the Matched On parameter. |
Integer |
Indicates the ID for the rule that the request violated. |
Rule Message |
String |
Provides a description of the rule that the request violated. |
Rule Severity |
Integer |
Indicates the severity of the violation. This value may range from -1 to 6 where 6 represents the lowest severity level. |
Total Anomaly Score |
Integer |
Indicates the total anomaly score for the current rule violation. This score is calculated by summing the anomaly score of the current rule violation with all rule violations reported above this sub event. View example.
The anomaly score incurred by each sub event in this example is listed below.
The total anomaly score for each sub event is listed below.
The response body for an unsuccessful request will contain an error response that provides additional information.
A sample JSON request is shown below.
GET https://api.edgecast.com/v2/mcc/customers/0001/waf/eventlogs?start_time=2016-09-01&end_time=2016-09-12&page_size=2 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: TOK:12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890ab
Accept: application/json
A sample JSON response is shown below.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Cache-Control: private
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2021 12:00:00 GMT
Content-Length: 2676
{ "page_of" : 100, "time_to" : 1473638400.0, "time_from" : 1472688000.0, "events" : [{ "Epoch Time" : 1473207640.345809, "Profile Type" : "PRODUCTION", "Client IP" : "", "Rule Message" : "Inbound Anomaly Score Exceeded (Total Score: 5, SQLi=3, XSS=0): Last Matched Message: 981255-Detects MSSQL code execution and information gathering attempts", "Sub Event Count" : 1, "Timestamp" : "2016-09-07T00:20:40.345809Z", "URL" : "http://www.example.com/mywebpage.html", "Country Code" : "US", "Rule Policy" : "Inbound blocking", "Action Type" : "CUSTOM_RESPONSE", "Host" : "www.example.com", "Instance Name" : "My Instance", "Profile Name" : "My Profile", "Rule Tags" : "OWASP_CRS/ANOMALY/EXCEEDED", "Sub Events" : [{ "Matched On" : "ARGS:a", "Rule Message" : "Detects MSSQL code execution and information gathering attempts", "Matched Data" : "'select *", "Total Anomaly Score" : 5, "Rule ID" : 981255, "Rule Severity" : 2, "Matched Value" : "'select * from site'" } ], "User Agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/52.0.2743.116 Safari/537.36", "id" : "udidK2wtEHpw4OQkoQKa3JI06QAeUKXwYqM_dgbsuvYwygOWO_uTVGQPxR5ELPpJ19wTpnflk7ynrIJzAMH2tA==" }, { "Epoch Time" : 1473207637.5252609, "Profile Type" : "PRODUCTION", "Client IP" : "", "Rule Message" : "Inbound Anomaly Score Exceeded (Total Score: 5, SQLi=3, XSS=0): Last Matched Message: 981255-Detects MSSQL code execution and information gathering attempts", "Sub Event Count" : 1, "Timestamp" : "2016-09-07T00:20:37.525261Z", "URL" : "http://www.example.com/mywebpage.html", "Country Code" : "US", "Rule Policy" : "Inbound blocking", "Action Type" : "CUSTOM_RESPONSE", "Host" : "www.example.com", "Instance Name" : "My Instance", "Profile Name" : "My Profile", "Rule Tags" : "OWASP_CRS/ANOMALY/EXCEEDED", "Sub Events" : [{ "Matched On" : "ARGS:a", "Rule Message" : "Detects MSSQL code execution and information gathering attempts", "Matched Data" : "'select *", "Total Anomaly Score" : 5, "Rule ID" : 981255, "Rule Severity" : 2, "Matched Value" : "'select * from site'" } ], "User Agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/52.0.2743.116 Safari/537.36", "id" : "kYSbc5AqNC7kD9k38me0Mu9f_hEuHkQhTJqzK0IKP1Oxux2sUgh5GQEPL004Wcan7RSqjGT4nv_bRvfeZSGwkQ==", "Event ID": "54973727612018659117005509529321564774" } ], "page" : 1 }