Origins - BETA

The Origins API is currently available as a BETA. Business-critical processes should not depend on this functionality.

Use the Origins API to perform the following tasks:

Category Description

Customer Origin Group Management

Manage your customer origin groups

Use the origin entry management endpoints to manage a customer origin group's origin entries.

Origin Entry Management

Manage your origin entries

Load Balancing

Manage your load balancing configuration

Use the Update Origin Entry endpoint to determine whether a specific origin entry identifies the primary hostname or IP address for the protocol that corresponds to it.


Get All Functions (HTTP Large | ADN)



Base URL

Use the following base URL:


Use the following scope to authenticate and authorize requests for the Origins API:

Customer Origin Group Creation Workflow

Create a customer origin group through the following steps:

  1. Create a customer origin group through either of the following platform-specific endpoints:

    These endpoints do not support Azure Block Blob origin groups.

  2. Add an origin entry to your new customer origin group through either of the following platform-specific endpoints:

  3. Repeat the previous step as needed.