Get All Dimensions

Retrieve all available dimensions. A dimension describes an attribute of a request and is typically used to correlate the desired set of requests with metrics.


Retrieve dimensions via the following request:

HTTP Method Request URI


Request Headers

This endpointIdentifies a request's connection point to our REST API service. only takes advantage of common request headers.

Unlike requests to, requests to our API gateway ( require an access token (OAuth).

Request Body

Request body parameters are not required by this endpoint.


The response to the above request includes an HTTP status code, response headers, and a response body.

Status Code

A status code indicates whether the request was successfully performed.

Response Headers

The response for this endpoint only includes standard HTTP response headers.

View common response headers.

Response Body

The response body for a successful request contains the following response elements:

Name Data Type Description
@id String Indicates the relative path to the requested endpoint.



Returns Collection.



Contains a list of dimensions.

items Array

The items array describes each dimension via the following properties:

Name Data Type Description



Indicates the relative path to an endpoint through which you may retrieve the current dimension.



Returns Dimension.



Describes the purpose of the current dimension.



Indicates the dimension's data type.



Identifies the dimension by its friendly name.


Array of String Values

Reserved for future use.



Identifies the dimension by its system-defined ID.



Reserved for future use.



Identifies the dimension by its friendly name.


The response body for an unsuccessful request will contain an error response that provides additional information.

Sample Request and Response

A sample JSON request is shown below.

A sample JSON response is shown below.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Cache-Control: no-cache

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2021 12:00:00 GMT

Content-Length: 8918

	"@id": "/report-builder/v1/dimensions",
	"@type": "Collection",
	"items": [{
			"@id": "/report-builder/v1/dimensions/timestamp",
			"@type": "Dimension",
			"description": "The time of the request",
			"field_type": "date_time",
			"friendly_name": "Time",
			"groups": ["default", "url"],
			"id": "timestamp",
			"is_time_bucket_field": true,
			"name": "Time"
		}, {
			"@id": "/report-builder/v1/dimensions/scheme",
			"@type": "Dimension",
			"description": "The URI scheme of the request.",
			"field_type": "string",
			"friendly_name": "URI Scheme",
			"groups": ["default", "url"],
			"id": "scheme",
			"is_time_bucket_field": false,
			"name": "URI Scheme"
		}, {
			"@id": "/report-builder/v1/dimensions/host",
			"@type": "Dimension",
			"description": "The host of the request.",
			"field_type": "string",
			"friendly_name": "Edge CNAME",
			"groups": ["default", "url"],
			"id": "host",
			"is_time_bucket_field": false,
			"name": "Edge CNAME"
		}, {
			"@id": "/report-builder/v1/dimensions/method",
			"@type": "Dimension",
			"description": "The request method.",
			"field_type": "string",
			"friendly_name": "HTTP Method",
			"groups": ["default", "url"],
			"id": "method",
			"is_time_bucket_field": false,
			"name": "HTTP Method"
		}, {
			"@id": "/report-builder/v1/dimensions/content-type",
			"@type": "Dimension",
			"description": "The content type of the request.",
			"field_type": "string",
			"friendly_name": "Content Type",
			"groups": ["default", "url"],
			"id": "content_type",
			"is_time_bucket_field": false,
			"name": "Content Type"
		}, {
			"@id": "/report-builder/v1/dimensions/user-agent",
			"@type": "Dimension",
			"description": "The user agent of the request.",
			"field_type": "string",
			"friendly_name": "User Agent",
			"groups": ["default", "url"],
			"id": "user_agent",
			"is_time_bucket_field": false,
			"name": "User Agent"
		}, {
			"@id": "/report-builder/v1/dimensions/path",
			"@type": "Dimension",
			"description": "The portion of a URL that appears after the host and port, but precedes the query string.",
			"field_type": "string",
			"friendly_name": "URL",
			"groups": ["url"],
			"id": "path",
			"is_time_bucket_field": false,
			"name": "URL"
		}, {
			"@id": "/report-builder/v1/dimensions/status-code",
			"@type": "Dimension",
			"description": "The response status of the request.",
			"field_type": "number",
			"friendly_name": "HTTP Status Code",
			"groups": ["default", "url"],
			"id": "status_code",
			"is_time_bucket_field": false,
			"name": "HTTP Status Code"
		}, {
			"@id": "/report-builder/v1/dimensions/status-code-class",
			"@type": "Dimension",
			"description": "Identifies requests by status code class (i.e., 2xx, 3xx, 4xx, or 5xx).",
			"field_type": "string",
			"friendly_name": "HTTP Status Code Class",
			"groups": ["default", "url"],
			"id": "status_code_class",
			"is_time_bucket_field": false,
			"name": "HTTP Status Code Class"
		}, {
			"@id": "/report-builder/v1/dimensions/leaf-directory",
			"@type": "Dimension",
			"description": "The leaf directory of the requested asset.",
			"field_type": "string",
			"friendly_name": "Leaf Directory",
			"groups": ["url"],
			"id": "leaf_directory",
			"is_time_bucket_field": false,
			"name": "Leaf Directory"
		}, {
			"@id": "/report-builder/v1/dimensions/root-directory",
			"@type": "Dimension",
			"description": "The root directory of the requested asset.",
			"field_type": "string",
			"friendly_name": "Root Directory",
			"groups": ["url"],
			"id": "root_directory",
			"is_time_bucket_field": false,
			"name": "Root Directory"
		}, {
			"@id": "/report-builder/v1/dimensions/cache-status",
			"@type": "Dimension",
			"description": "The cache status of the requested asset.",
			"field_type": "string",
			"friendly_name": "Cache Status",
			"groups": ["default", "url"],
			"id": "cache_status",
			"is_time_bucket_field": false,
			"name": "Cache Status"
		}, {
			"@id": "/report-builder/v1/dimensions/platform",
			"@type": "Dimension",
			"description": "The platform of of the requested asset.",
			"field_type": "string",
			"friendly_name": "Platform",
			"groups": ["default", "url"],
			"id": "platform",
			"is_time_bucket_field": false,
			"name": "Platform"
		}, {
			"@id": "/report-builder/v1/dimensions/origin",
			"@type": "Dimension",
			"description": "The origin of the requested asset.",
			"field_type": "string",
			"friendly_name": "Origin",
			"groups": ["default", "url"],
			"id": "origin",
			"is_time_bucket_field": false,
			"name": "Origin"
		}, {
			"@id": "/report-builder/v1/dimensions/client-country-code",
			"@type": "Dimension",
			"description": "The country code in ISO 3166 format.",
			"field_type": "string",
			"friendly_name": "Country Code",
			"groups": ["default", "url"],
			"id": "client_country_code",
			"is_time_bucket_field": false,
			"name": "Country Code"
		}, {
			"@id": "/report-builder/v1/dimensions/client-continent-code",
			"@type": "Dimension",
			"description": "The continent code in ISO 3166 format.",
			"field_type": "string",
			"friendly_name": "Continent Code",
			"groups": ["default", "url"],
			"id": "client_continent_code",
			"is_time_bucket_field": false,
			"name": "Continent Code"
		}, {
			"@id": "/report-builder/v1/dimensions/traffic-type",
			"@type": "Dimension",
			"description": "Identifies the scope of the network that was leveraged to serve the request.",
			"field_type": "string",
			"friendly_name": "Traffic Type",
			"groups": ["default", "url"],
			"id": "traffic_type",
			"is_time_bucket_field": false,
			"name": "Traffic Type"
		}, {
			"@id": "/report-builder/v1/dimensions/proxy-type",
			"@type": "Dimension",
			"description": "Indicates the type of server to which an edge server forwarded a request.",
			"field_type": "string",
			"friendly_name": "Proxy Type",
			"groups": ["default", "url"],
			"id": "proxy_type",
			"is_time_bucket_field": false,
			"name": "Proxy Type"
		}, {
			"@id": "/report-builder/v1/dimensions/pop",
			"@type": "Dimension",
			"description": "The Point of Presence that processed this request.",
			"field_type": "string",
			"friendly_name": "POP",
			"groups": ["default", "url"],
			"id": "pop",
			"is_time_bucket_field": false,
			"name": "POP"
		}, {
			"@id": "/report-builder/v1/dimensions/client-asn",
			"@type": "Dimension",
			"description": "Indicates the Autonomous System Number (ASN) associated with the client's IP address.",
			"field_type": "string",
			"friendly_name": "ASN",
			"groups": ["default", "url"],
			"id": "client_asn",
			"is_time_bucket_field": false,
			"name": "ASN"
		}, {
			"@id": "/report-builder/v1/dimensions/client-as-org",
			"@type": "Dimension",
			"description": "Indicates the organization corresponding to the client's ASN.",
			"field_type": "string",
			"friendly_name": "AS Org",
			"groups": ["default", "url"],
			"id": "client_as_org",
			"is_time_bucket_field": false,
			"name": "AS Org"
		}, {
			"@id": "/report-builder/v1/dimensions/client-isp",
			"@type": "Dimension",
			"description": "Indicates the client's ISP.",
			"field_type": "string",
			"friendly_name": "ISP",
			"groups": ["default", "url"],
			"id": "client_isp",
			"is_time_bucket_field": false,
			"name": "ISP"
		}, {
			"@id": "/report-builder/v1/dimensions/client-region",
			"@type": "Dimension",
			"description": "Indicates the client's geographical region (e.g., state or province).",
			"field_type": "string",
			"friendly_name": "Region",
			"groups": ["default", "url"],
			"id": "client_region",
			"is_time_bucket_field": false,
			"name": "Region"
		}, {
			"@id": "/report-builder/v1/dimensions/client-city",
			"@type": "Dimension",
			"description": "Indicates the client's city.",
			"field_type": "string",
			"friendly_name": "City",
			"groups": ["default", "url"],
			"id": "client_city",
			"is_time_bucket_field": false,
			"name": "City"
		}, {
			"@id": "/report-builder/v1/dimensions/client-tls-version",
			"@type": "Dimension",
			"description": "The protocol of an established SSL connection.",
			"field_type": "string",
			"friendly_name": "TLS Version",
			"groups": ["default", "url"],
			"id": "client_tls_version",
			"is_time_bucket_field": false,
			"name": "TLS Version"
		}, {
			"@id": "/report-builder/v1/dimensions/client-ip-version",
			"@type": "Dimension",
			"description": "Indicates the client's IP version number. Valid values are INET and INET6.",
			"field_type": "string",
			"friendly_name": "IP Version",
			"groups": ["default", "url"],
			"id": "client_ip_version",
			"is_time_bucket_field": false,
			"name": "IP Version"