Report Builder

The following endpoints, which leverage OAuth 2.0 for authentication, automate the report query administration and report generation:

Name Description

Generate Downloadable Report

Generates a report that may be downloaded at a later time.

Generate Report

Generate report data for a specific report query. If report generation takes longer than a few seconds, then you may retrieve it via the Get Report endpoint.

Use the Generate Downloadable Report endpoint to generate reports that contain more than 30,000 records.

Get All Dimensions

Retrieves all dimensions.

Get All Downloadable Reports

Retrieves all downloadable reports generated within the last 7 days.

Get All Granularities

Retrieve all granularities.

Get All Metrics

Retrieve all metrics.

Get All Operators

Retrieve all operators.

Get All Reports

Retrieve all reports generated within the last 7 days.

Get All Units

Retrieve all units of measurement.

Get Dimension

Retrieves a specific dimension.

Get Downloadable Report

Returns a URL through which you may download data for a report generated via the Generate Downloadable Report endpoint.

Get Granularity

Retrieve a specific granularity.

Get Metric

Retrieve a specific metric.

Get Operator

Retrieve a specific comparison operator.

Get Report

Get report data previously generated via the Generate Report endpoint.

Get Unit

Retrieve a unit of measurement.

Quick Start

Generate report data using one of the following endpoints:

If a request to generate a report takes too long or if a report is already being generated, then data will be returned asynchronously. Check the report's status by requesting the endpoint identified in the @id response property.

Requesting either of the above endpoints requires that you define report data criteria, such as:

Sample Query

The following sample query generates a report for the last 7 days that contains file size (MB) information sorted in descending order and is limited to 5,000 records:

	"query": {
		"params": {
			"by": null,
			"end": "now",
			"limit": 5000,
			"metrics": [
			"sort": [
			"start": "start_day-7d",
			"units": {
				"file_size": "megabyte"